Ageing Face and Body

Cosmetic Services, home

Having surgery isn’t the only way to improve your looks or turn back the years. Our age combating treatments promise a younger, better looking you with no surgery, no general anaesthetic and no downtime. These days it’s possible to take a few years off your face without the expense, pain and temporary disappearance from public life linked with surgery.


Our most popular anti-aging treatments are:


Injectables and Fillers

To treat facial volume loss, lines and wrinkles, restoring a smoother and more youthful appearance.



Face and Body Pigments

Treats freckles, melasma, visible blood vessels, capillaries, sun damage, brown patches, red spots or patches, keratosis, age spots, birthmarks and other types of skin pigmentation on the face and body.



Face and Leg Veins Laser Treatments

Laser treatments are now a routine procedure for the removal of many types of vascular lesions, including hemangiomas, spider veins on face and legs, vascular malformations such as port-wine stains, telangiectasias, venous lakes and angiomas.



Laser Treatments and Skin Peel

We offer several solutions to ageing and dull skin. Non-invasive laser face lifting resulting in tightening and volumization (wrinkle reduction) without injectables.



Also our fractional laser treatment, helps diminish fine lines and wrinkles. The advanced technology volumises your face and cheeks by building natural collagen and sculpting the face.



Face & Body Sculpting and Tightening

Body sculpting is body shaping using laser for fat reduction, loose skin and body contouring of all body areas.



Our non-surgical skin-tightening works by inducing the body to respond by producing more collagen in the treated areas.




Face and Body Granny Warts

There is no preventing the development of seborrheic warts. Sun exposure does not play a role, age and genetics seem to be the reason. It is critical to you have these spots assessed thoroughly to make sure they are simply “granny warts” as they used to be called, as opposed to a skin cancer like melanoma. Once diagnosed, they are easily removed with laser treatment.



Snoring Laser Treatment

When you sleep, the soft tissue at the back of your throat relaxes and blocks the airway which results in snoring. Our revolutionary Snore No More laser treatment works by tightening the skin that obstructs the air passage.



Arthritis Pain Laser Treatment

Some of the conditions that may typically be treated by laser therapy include Arthritis pain, Back pain, Carpal tunnel, Knee pain, Neck pain & Tendonitis.



Urinary Incontinence, Prolapse and Vaginal Atrophy and Dryness

Laser Treatments offer a quick and painless solution to these common gynaecological problems.




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